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Epsilometer Operating Manual | Dielectric Analyzer for Rapid Measurement | Uncertainty Measurement
If using the original V1 hardware Epsilometer, you must download and use the V1 Epsilometer software. V2 Epsilometer hardware versions are indicated on the units.
To help facilitate diagnosis of a suspected instrument malfunction, please find and download the Vector Network Analyzer Diagnostic Test (VNADT) program below. VNADT is a program designed to guide the user through basic diagnostic tests. This application generates a diagnostic report that allows CMT’s support team to quickly assess any Analyzer malfunctions.
The program provides step by step instructions for visual inspections, connection checks, USB checks, limit tests, and ACM checks. It then generates a diagnostic report in PDF form to be emailed to CMT support at or by using the button below.
Our network analyzers and calibration kits can be calibrated by any ISO17025-accredited and Z540-1 compliant calibration lab worldwide. The VNA Performance Test (VNAPT) software application is not required but is available for third-party laboratories without restriction.